Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pryce's Punishment

I am really trying to be patient here, but it's so difficult because we absolutely cannot wait to meet little Miss Pryce. She has been bouncing around in Mommy's tummy like nobody's business. We have fed her spicy foods, taken her on long walks, even tried some bedroom baby inducing, but nothing. This little girl is going to be a hand-full. In fact, her Mimi said it best, Pryce is going to be a "pistol". I agree.
We just have to trust that the Lord knows best. He knows when we will all be ready to meet. It's going to be such a great moment that the build up is well worth it. We are excited that Jackson is back home so he can definitely be there when his little sister joins the family. He has been doing such a great job preparing for his Big brother role that it would not be complete without him there. Little does he know his return has catapulted him directly into the Bowler Family Trap which is a merciless torture chamber of excitement and disappointment layered under meals and sugar filled snacks. Isn't that what killed John Candy? Hopefully not.
Anyways, rest easy everyone as soon as Pryce starts making her dissent into the world we will send out and APB letting you know. Until then, find a comfortable seat in the Baby Bowler waiting room... it could be a long ride.
By the way, when Pryce gets here, she's grounded!!!


  1. You are so damn funny...

    "Little does he know his return has catapulted him directly into the Bowler Family Trap which is a merciless torture chamber of excitement and disappointment layered under meals and sugar filled snacks" HYSTERICAL!!

    I CAN'T WAIT!!! You are so right...the build up is making it all the more fun!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My stress level is way up there..Miss Pryce you need to arrive...this has been the longest 9 months in my life since I was pregnant with your Daddy.I want to hold you and rock you so pleaseeeeeeeeeee get here.

  4. I voted for 09/09/2009 because they say this day will be lucky !!!!
